



在 M4Markets,我们的使命是增强交易者的能力。借助我们通过客户专区和交易平台为交易者提供的一套新工具和资源,交易者可以充满信心并掌控自己的交易。

由 ACUITY 提供支持 – 受 FCA(英国)监管

从市场情绪洞察到信号技术分析和功能强大的经济日历,这些工具由 Acuity 提供,Acuity 是金融行业最先进的数据提供商之一。



What is it?

Powered by AI technology and the Dow Jones insights, the Market Sentiment tool helps you assess each trading opportunity. With its user-friendly interface it can help you make informed decisions and trade with confidence.

  • Full of market insights

  • Actionable trade ideas

  • Powerful Visualizations

How can you utilize it?

Make smarter decisions without going through technical, fundamental and other types of analysis for each trade. Everything you need to make a decision is presented in a simple and easy to read interface.

  • Integrated with MT5

  • Chart overlay with market moving events

  • Trading opportunities ranked against one another

  • Market news from Dow Jones Newswires

  • Opportunity score on asset basis

  • Quick and simple actionable ideas

Where do I find it?

Our Market Sentiment Hub is conveniently available within your Client Area. Simply login and go to Resources Hub – Market Sentiment.


What is it?

Unique in its kind, our new Economic Calendar showcases how global economic events can be turned into trading opportunities.

  • AI Powered

  • Advanced filtering capabilities

  • Covers all macro-economic events

How can you utilize it?

Our Economic Calendar is packed with features to help you trade global events and high market volatility impact news.

  • Identify new trading opportunities

  • Integration with MT5

  • Data on 1,000+ live and future economic events from 55 countries

  • Find entry and exit points

  • Plan trading strategies while managing risk

Where do I find it?

A snippet of the Economic Calendar is available here. To access the full Economic Calendar login to your Client Area.


What is it?

Innovate your trading strategies with high quality trade ideas. Our Signal Centre is powered by analysts and AI technology and delivers transparent trading ideas that are suitable for traders of all levels.

  • Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK

  • Research and validated by leading market analysts

  • Advanced filtering functionalities

How can you utilize it?

The featured trading ideas are fully transparent and generated by teams of experts while the performance of each idea is monitored to provide feedback for the new ideas.

  • Integrated with MT5

  • Expiry times for each idea to help manage risk

  • Quick and simple calls to action

  • Trade status updates

  • Advanced filtering functionality

  • Continuous trading status updates

Where do I find it?

You can access the trading signals directly on your trading platform.

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尽管列出的信息是从被认为可靠的来源获得的,但 M4Markets 不保证其准确性或完整性。所有信息仅供参考,如有更改,恕不另行通知,并且可能在任何给定时间都已过时。 M4Markets 或任何材料的作者均不对您因基于此处包含的任何信息的任何投资而直接或间接遭受的任何损失负责。如果需要,请寻求独立建议。