A deeper look into your account

Margin and leverage share a dynamic relationship and need to always be taken into account when opening a new trade. They reflect the amount of equity that is required in your account to open and maintain a position and as with all leveraged products, understanding the requirements can help you minimise capital risk.


Leverage can best be described as an investment strategy where the client borrows funds to increase the potential return of an investment. In other words, it provides you the opportunity to control a larger amount of money than what you are actually investing. This means that you can earn more from the same amount of investment if markets move in your favour, at the risk of losing more if markets move against you.


Margin is the level of funds you need to have in your trading account in order to open and maintain a specific trading position. Calculating and understanding your margin requirements allows you to create an effective risk management.

The margin is a percentage of the size of the trade you want to open, and it is not a fee. It’s simply deducted from your account and returned when the position is closed. The total amount held to maintain all your current open positions is called “used margin”. The remaining balance in your account is available to open new positions.

AUDCAD 0.00001 100000 AUD 10 CAD 0.1 1:1000
AUDCHF 0.00001 100000 AUD 10 CHF 0.1 1:1000
AUDJPY 0.001 100000 AUD 1000 JPY 0.1 1:1000
AUDNZD 0.00001 100000 AUD 10 NZD 0.1 1:1000
AUDUSD 0.00001 100000 AUD 10 USD 0.1 1:1000
CADCHF 0.00001 100000 CAD 10 CHF 0.1 1:1000
CADJPY 0.001 100000 CAD 1000 JPY 0.1 1:1000
CHFJPY 0.001 100000 CHF 1000 JPY 0.1 1:1000
EURAUD 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 AUD 0.1 1:1000
EURCAD 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 CAD 0.1 1:1000
EURCHF 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 CHF 0.1 1:1000
EURCZK 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 CZK 1 1:100
EURGBP 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 GBP 0.1 1:1000
EURHUF 0.001 100000 EUR 1000 HUF 1 1:100
EURJPY 0.001 100000 EUR 1000 JPY 0.1 1:1000
EURNOK 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 NOK 0.1 1:1000
EURNZD 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 NZD 0.1 1:1000
EURRUB 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 RUB 2 1:50
EURSEK 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 SEK 0.1 1:1000
EURTRY 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 TRY 2 1:50
EURUSD 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 USD 0.1 1:1000
EURZAR 0.00001 100000 EUR 10 ZAR 1 1:100
GBPAUD 0.00001 100000 GBP 10 AUD 0.1 1:1000
GBPCAD 0.00001 100000 GBP 10 CAD 0.1 1:1000
GBPCHF 0.00001 100000 GBP 10 CHF 0.1 1:1000
GBPJPY 0.001 100000 GBP 1000 JPY 0.1 1:1000
GBPNZD 0.00001 100000 GBP 10 NZD 0.1 1:1000
GBPTRY 0.00001 100000 GBP 10 TRY 2 1:50
GBPUSD 0.00001 100000 GBP 10 USD 0.1 1:1000
GBPZAR 0.00001 100000 GBP 10 ZAR 1 1:100
NOKJPY 0.001 100000 NOK 1000 JPY 0.1 1:1000
NZDCAD 0.00001 100000 NZD 10 CAD 0.1 1:1000
NZDCHF 0.00001 100000 NZD 10 CHF 0.1 1:1000
NZDJPY 0.001 100000 NZD 1000 JPY 0.1 1:1000
NZDUSD 0.00001 100000 NZD 10 USD 0.1 1:1000
USDCAD 0.00001 100000 USD 10 CAD 0.1 1:1000
USDCHF 0.00001 100000 USD 10 CHF 0.1 1:1000
USDCNH 0.00001 100000 USD 10 CNH 1 1:100
USDCZK 0.00001 100000 USD 10 CZK 1 1:100
USDDKK 0.00001 100000 USD 10 DKK 0.1 1:1000
USDHKD 0.00001 100000 USD 10 HDK 1 1:100
USDHUF 0.001 100000 USD 1000 HUF 1 1:100
USDJPY 0.001 100000 USD 1000 JPY 0.1 1:1000
USDMXN 0.00001 100000 USD 10 MXN 1 1:100
USDNOK 0.00001 100000 USD 10 NOK 0.1 1:1000
USDPLN 0.00001 100000 USD 10 PLN 1 1:100
USDRUB 0.00001 100000 USD 10 RUB 2 1:50
USDSEK 0.00001 100000 USD 10 SEK 0.1 1:1000
USDSGD 0.00001 100000 USD 10 SGD 1 1:100
USDTRY 0.00001 100000 USD 10 TRY 2 1:50
USDZAR 0.00001 100000 USD 10 ZAR 1 1:100
XAUUSD 0.01 100 oz 1 0.5 1:200
XAUEUR 0.01 100 oz 1 0.5 1:200
XAGUSD 0.001 5000 oz 5 1 1:100
XAGEUR 0.001 5000 oz 5 1 1:100
XPDUSD 0.01 100 oz 1 2 1:50
XPTUSD 0.01 100 oz 1 2 1:50
USOIL 0.001 1000 barrels 1 1 1:100
UKOIL 0.001 1000 barrels 1 1 1:100
NGAS 0.001 10000 mmBtu 10 1 1:100
AUS200 0.01 1 contract 0.01 AUD 1 1:100
DE30 0.01 1 contract 0.01 EUR 1 1:100
ES35 0.01 1 contract 0.01 EUR 1 1:100
F40 0.01 1 contract 0.01 EUR 1 1:100
EU50 0.01 1 contract 0.01 EUR 1 1:100
UK100 0.01 1 contract 0.01 GBP 1 1:100
NETH25 0.01 1 contract 0.01 EUR 1 1:100
SWI20 0.01 1 contract 0.01 CHF 1 1:100
JP225 1 100 1 JPY 1 1:100
US100 0.01 1 contract 0.01 USD 1 1:100
US30 0.01 1 contract 0.01 USD 1 1:100
US500 0.01 1 contract 0.01 USD 1 1:100
HK50 1 1 contract 1 HKD 5 1:50
AAL 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ADIDAS 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ADOBE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
AIG 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
AIRBNB 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
AIR-FRANCE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ALBEMARLE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ALCOA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ALIBABA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ALLIANZ 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ALPHABET-C 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
AMAZON 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
AMD 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
AMEX 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
AON 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
APPLE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ARMOUR 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
AT&T 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ATVI 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
AUTODESK 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BAIDU 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BAYER 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BERKSHIRE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BioNTech 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BLACK&DECKER 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BLACKROCK 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BMW 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BNK-AMER 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BNP 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BOEING 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BOOKING.COM 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BUMBLE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
CATERPILLAR 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
CHEVRON 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
CISCO 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
CITI 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
CME 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
COCA-COLA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
COINBASE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
COMMERZBANK 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
DAIMLER 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
DASH 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
DELTA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
DEUTSCHE-BK 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
DEUTSCHE-PO 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
DOCUSIGN 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
DROPBOX 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
DUPONT 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
EASTMAN 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
EBAY 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
EXPEDIA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
EXXON 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
FACEBOOK 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
FEDEX 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
FERRARI 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
FIDELITY 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
FOOTLOCKER 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
FORD 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
FORTINET 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
FUELCELL 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
GE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
GM 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
GOLDMANS 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
GOOGLE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
GOPRO 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
HARLEY 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
HILTON 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
HOMEDEPOT 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
HP 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
IBM 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ICE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
INTEL 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
JD.COM 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
JOHNSON 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
JPMORGAN 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
LI 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
LITHIUMA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
LOCKHEEDMT 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
LUCID 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
LUFTHANSA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
LVMH 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
LYFT 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MANU 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MARVELL 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
McD 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MERCK 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MICROSOFT 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MMC 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MODERNA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MONSTER 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MOODYS 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MS 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
MSTRCARD 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
NETEASE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
NETFLIX 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
NIKE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
NIKOLA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
NIO 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
NOVAVAX 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
NVIDIA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
OCCIDENTAL 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
OKTA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ORACLE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
P&G 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
PALANTIR 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
PAYPAL 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
PEPSI 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
PFIZER 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
PHILLIPMORRIS 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
PINTEREST 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
PLUG 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
QCOM 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
QUALCOMM 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
RCL 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
SALESFORCE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
SANTANDER 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
SHOPIFY 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
SIEMENS 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
SNAP 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
SOCIETE 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
SONY 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
SPOTIFY 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
STARBUCKS 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
SYSCO 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
TELEFONICA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
TENCENTME 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
TESLA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
TEVA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
TOTAL 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
TRIP.COM 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
TRIPADVISOR 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
TSM 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
TWILIO 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
UBER 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
UPS 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
VISA 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
VOLKSWAGEN 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
WALMART 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
WELLSFARGO 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
WISH 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
XCEL 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
XPENG 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
ZOOM 0.01 100 Shares 1 10% 1:10
BTCUSD 0.01 Contract Size 1 0.01 USD 3 1:33
ETHUSD 0.01 Contract Size 1 0.01 USD 3 1:33
XRPUSD 0.00001 Contract Size 1000 0.001 USD 3 1:33
LTCUSD 0.01 Contract Size 10 0.1 USD 3 1:33
DOGEUSD 0.00001 Contract Size 1000 0.001 USD 3 1:33
DASHUSD 0.01 Contract Size 10 0.1 USD 3 1:33
XMRUSD 0.01 Contract Size 10 0.1 USD 3 1:33
OMGUSD 0.0001 Contract Size 100 0.01 USD 3 1:33
NEOUSD 0.01 Contract Size 10 0.1 USD 3 1:33
QTUMUSD 0.0001 Contract Size 100 0.01 USD 3 1:33
ZECUSD 0.01 Contract Size 10 0.1 USD 3 1:33
DOTUSD 0.001 Contract Size 10 0.01 USD 3 1:33
SOLUSD 0.01 Contract Size 10 0.1 USD 3 1:33
XTZUSD 0.0001 Contract Size 100 0.01 USD 3 1:33
AXSUSD 0.01 Contract Size 10 0.01 USD 3 1:33
* Leverage 1:1000 only applies to Standard Account. For Raw Spread Account and Premium Account max leverage is 1:500.
3 Steps to Start Trading
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Register & Verify your Profile
Complete our Registration Form and access the Client Portal. Complete your Economic profile, upload the required documents and verify your profile.
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Register & Verify your Profile
Complete our Registration Form, submit your KYC documents and complete your Economic Profile and Appropriateness Test to verify your profile.
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Open a Live Account & Fund It
Choose “Open Live Account” under the Accounts tab and select an account. Click “Deposit funds” under the funds tab to select your funding method.
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Download your Platform & get Started
Choose “Downloads” tab under Trader’s Menu and download your Preferred Platform. Launch your platform and start trading.
Trading CFDs involves significant risk of loss